Licht Kunst Licht
Licht Kunst Licht is an amazing lighting company that was founded in 1991 by Andreas Schulz in Bonn and Berlin, Germany simultaneously. The scope of projects encompasses office buildings, administrative buildings, museums, and cultural centers, representative and governmental buildings, buildings of traffic and transport, shopping malls as well as private residences. Most Expensive Homes had the opportunity to talk with this amazing design company is going to show you everything. So keep on reading if you wanna find out more about their vision about the interior design world.
Licht Kunst Licht loves to create vital and attractive living spaces for working and staying. The office has participated in over 800 projects in Germany and various foreign countries. the size of the projects spans from freestanding villas to building projects with a total budget of 3 billion euros.
For Licht Kunst Licht there are always new and exciting projects and the associated new requirements. The inspiration rises on the horizon every morning and disappears in the evening. Although the daylight accompanies us every day, it always manages to fascinate and inspire.
Their relationship with their audience is open and friendly. For them, nothing works better than advertising as a visit to a successful project example. Of course, photo and video recordings are a good alternative and can easily be spread via social media.
Artificial lighting and daylight planning are equal fields the scope of work of Licht Kunst Licht. Currently, there are 26 employees from various backgrounds such as lighting design, architecture, interior architecture, scenography, and product design, working as a team on several tasks.
When asked about the future of design, Licht Kunst Licht believes that the digitization of our everyday life, from the wristwatch to the building management and their financial system, will not stop at the design world. A direct link between users, objects and the building offers a lot of creative freedom in the future as well.
“With our design approach, we are fully committed to the architecture and the architect’s design intentions. Nor do we in any way want to impose our signature on the architecture through our lighting design. On the contrary, we strive to produce an appropriate lighting concept in keeping with the functional and design aspects of the architecture and to implement this concept as an integral architectural element in close collaboration with the architect and systematic discussion with other consultants.”