Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs– From the main interest in contemporary style with a similarly modern style interior design magazine called Dwell, the name Dwelling Designs was born. Deserving a celebration worthy of Dwellings’ simple yet powerful philosophy: Great relationships with clients lead to great design.
Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
This has always been the company’s main focus, and it was noticeable throughout the time we were talking with Ammar about how important this is. His love for interpersonal relationships is so intense that Ammar confessed to us that if he had to choose another career it would be a psychologist. There is no doubt that he would be great at that, but we’re glad he followed the path of interior design and became the incredible professional he is today. Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
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Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
The owner of Dwellings Design mentions with pride that one of the most rewarding parts of his work is seeing how design can change peoples lives, mentioning the time he was invited to the wedding of a couple who felt that his interior design brought them even closer together and that he was, therefore, a part of their lives. How beautiful is this? Love is in the air! Even in the interior design. Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
Ammar mentions he prefers a minimalist and modern style and told us that his house reflects precisely that style. However, he admits that doing the interior design of his own house was the most challenging and difficult project he has ever done. Curious isn’t it? How easy it seems for an interior designer to get inside other people’s heads but when it comes to their own house the situation gets more complicated… Our home is our sanctuary! So it becomes natural that by being from the area and being surrounded by so many amazing new things, that committing to only one way might be difficult indeed. We feel you, Ammar! Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
Without a doubt, our home has incredible power. The power to bring us closer to ourselves and those who share a home with us, the power to make us relax and rest, to make us feel good and cozy. To borrow Ammar’s expression, home is like a sanctuary! And we believe its power comes essentially from interior design. Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
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Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
There is that expression that home is where our heart is… But try living in a house without all the necessary features: without that furniture that is your identity and makes you feel that house as your own… it’s not the same, right? That’s the magic of interior design! Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
Ammar likes that magic is always focused on the future! For him, it makes no sense to get stuck in the past and make interior design styles based on the past. This is not his style at all. We were also admired with the fact that Ammar, early on, realized that his path in interior design was not in the corporate environment. He wanted to be creatively free, and the freedom he wanted could only be found when he started his own company. In fact, he has had an entrepreneurial spirit since he was a child. Do you know that kid who sells lemonade on the street? Who cuts the neighbors’ grass? Ammar was that kid. And even as a teenager, he continued, designing websites, making mixed CDs of Music in college… It’s in these small things and at an early age that great entrepreneurs are created and transformed into successful professionals! Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
The incessant search for creativity continues. Interior designers are at their peak when they know they can take risks in styles and make something really captivating and challenging. Ammar loves working in California precisely because of this. Especially in Palm Springs, where he has many clients with second and third homes that allow them to take more risks since they don’t spend 24/7 there. It’s these risky projects Ammar enjoys the most because he also has a lot of fun doing them. California is at the top for having more fun with their interiors and is also at the top of Ammar’s list of the best regions to work in. He can do different things outside his comfort zone. And it’s when we step out of our comfort zone that amazing things happen, right? Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
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Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
And speaking of stepping out of comfort zones… Remember Ammar didn’t like a whole design themed in mid-century design? Well, it looks like we’ve managed to change his idea about mid-century. We’ll explain more below. Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
We’ll start first by saying that, regarding Meetsales and the brands we represent, Ammar already knew Brabbu. And when it comes to talking about ourselves, there’s nothing better than the others’ words to describe it, isn’t it? So, in the words of Ammar Alshash, Brabbu “it’s really a one-of-a-kind company. There’s nobody else out there, that I know of at least, that has as much depth and focus on the Hollywood regency glamour look. The attention to detail, the refined construction with the very thin feminine lines, are very difficult to produce. Even if I wanted to try and have somebody locally make something similar to the design it would never come out the way we wanted it to (…) it has a very refined look that we love”. No doubt we agree!
And now going back to the mid-century style, something Ammar as already mentioned did not appreciate very much, Meetsales also represents brands of this specific interior design style. We wanted to show Ammar one of the brands. Yes, we took that risk! And guess what? He was fascinated and amazed, not wanting to believe that it was actually something mid-century. And you know that feeling an interior designer gets when he sees that his clients were fascinated by his project? That’s what we felt in this situation. We took a risk successfully! Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
If you want to be amazed and admired too, discover the brand that made Ammar change his mind (click here). Design MEETings with Dwelling Designs
Check the full interview video below.
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