Every antiques hunter dream: a Paris apartment untouched for 70 years


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December 7, 2015
Every antiques hunter dream: a Paris apartment untouched for 70 years

*Written by Polina Kurovskaya

It is every history and art collector lover’s nirvana to find an apartment untouched for 70 years. Located in the ciy of light’s rive Droite, this luxury apartment has a story deeply connected with World War II and the most amazing part is that, for being undisturbed since the 1940’s, it is a real time capsule, a true portrait of how luxury living in those times was.

"Madame de Florian's Paris Apartment"

The 140 square feet apartment was owned by millionaire actress and socialite Madame de Florian who fled Paris during World War two and left all her possessions behind never to return. The rent was faithfully paid so it was only in 2010, when Madame de Florian died in the South of France at age 91, that the apartment was discovered.

"Madame de Florian's Paris Apartment"

Though 4 years have passed, the apartment remains just as it was when it was found, for its uniqueness and historic importance. It is a sight or urban archeology!

Inside, we can see everyday items like hair brushes and papers as well as other extravagant objects like a full-sized, taxidermy ostrich, an original Mickey Mouse doll, like those we see in the first Walt Disney cartoons, and emotional works of art.

"Madame de Florian's Paris Apartment""Madame de Florian's Paris Apartment""Madame de Florian's Paris Apartment"

When the apartment was discovered, there was also a painting of Madame de Florian’s grandmother Marthe, who was the muse of the artist Giovanni Boldini. Along with the painting there was a love note from Boldini. The painting has been sold for €2.1 million.

"Madame de Florian by Boldini"

It is an incredible story, isn’t it?

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