This insightful television series and technology documentary was hosted by award-winning architect, Piers Taylor and property enthusiast, Caroline Quentin, which was first published by BBC in 2017 and now has been introduced to the world’s leading streaming service, Netflix. The 4-episode season 1 is all about the duo exploring the world’s most extraordinary homes built in the mountain, forest, coast and underground locations.
Each episode is focused in one of these four locations and highlight various properties. Throughout the episodes, you’ll see Taylor and Quentin conversing with the owners of the home as well as the architects that build it in order to give architecture fans the story behind the inspiration, design and building of these exquisite creations.
A part from seeing some of the most extraordinary, and may we say, expensive homes in the world which are complete architectural gems, one other aspects that makes this show so compelling is the clear enthusiasm in which the hosts discuss this theme. The series truly takes you on an awe-inspiring journey all around the world, so one must definitely check it out.
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Sources: Netflix | Fab L’Style